Tool: Hexapawn – a machine-learning teaching tool
januar 1, 2020
The simple game illustrates reinforced learning and is a valuable teaching tool in any machine-learning courses. The tool is freely accessible right here.
januar 3, 2022
A new podcast is published that puts a spotlight on NGI Architects and digital business development.
If you want to listen to the podcast, you can access it freely by clicking here.
The podcast is dedicated to the European Next Generation Internet Program (NGI). The NGI Program works towards building a European initiative for a Human Internet that respects the fundamental values of privacy, participation and diversity. The Next Generation Internet offers new functionalities to support people’s needs and to address global sustainability challenges.
In the podcast, you can listen to experts discussing the emerging technologies and methods for building a Human Internet.
Hosts on the podcast include three prominent ambassadors of the NGI community: Mirko Presser, Associate Professor & Researcher Aarhus University, Manuel Noya, Entrepreneur & CEO Linknovate, and Mirko Ross, IoT & Cybersecurity Thought Leader.
Guests on the podcast are European Open-Source Developers, Researchers, Internet and Privacy advocates. New subjects and expert guests will appear in each of the podcast episodes.
Listen to Episode 5 of Season 1, by clicking here.
In this fifth episode we are talking about the new Peergos project, its progress and contribution to the European Next Generation Internet (NGI) program.
Peergos is a new foundation that is building a more private web, where end users are in control of their data. Peergos is a decentralised protocol and open-source platform for storage, social media and applications. It is designed for privacy and security, and restores ownership and control to the user through seamless access management using quantum-resistant end-to-end encryption.
Imagine having your own private space where you can interact with others safely without coercion or control from external tech giants. Imagine web apps being secure by default and unable to track you. Imagine being able to control exactly what personal data each web app can see. Imagine never having to log in to an app ever again. Peergos considers privacy a fundamental human right and works to make it easy for everyone to interact online in ways that respect this right. The Peergos maintainers Ian and Kevin explain the concept of Peergos and provide a future outlook.
Episode guests:
Ian Preston, Peergos CEO and Founder
Kevin, Peergos software engineer
Episode links:
Release date: January 03, 2023
To stay updated on new episodes of the podcast, you may follow the news of the DBD website or subscribe directly to the podcast.