Threat assessment

Threat assessment

The threat assessment tool allows for further evaluation of the identified threats.

Threat assessment

Threat assessment

The threat assessment tool allows for further evaluation of the identified threats.

Threat assessment

Threat assessment

The threat assessment tool allows for further evaluation of the identified threats.

Technical IoT Cyber Security

december 11, 2024

Threat Assessment

After having done the threat modelling, you will have identified a list of threats and have some understanding on the consequence should the threat manifest.

Each of these threats can be put into the following table and be evaluated further:

  1. For each threat, you can specify which assets would be affected and the severity of the consequences in relation to CIA.
  2. You can also give en estimate of the likelihood of the threat manifesting.
  3. The consequence and likelihood can then (finally) be used to calculate the overall risk of each threat.
Threat assessment

"Threat Assessment" by CyPro under license CC BY-SA 4.0 

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Threat assessment
Print-friendly version of the tool in large format.


The assesments you end up with can be used as input in a risk matrix. Read more about this in the Risk Management module.

Threat assessment

The contents described above have been developed in the project:

’CyPro – Cybersecure manufacturing in Denmark’ by Aarhus UniversityAlexandra InstitutDAMRCUGLA Insights and FORCE Technology funded by The Danish Industry Foundation. Material from the project is published under licence CC BY-SA 4.0

