In this section you will find selected business model innovation process modules, as well as tools to identify, map, implement and evaluate business development and business models.
All the principles centre on how you perceive and understand the world, and how you work with development in practice.
The simple tool creates a physical image of a new business model through the four dimensions of the tool.
The IoT BMIT offers an intuitive and easy-to-use tool to map and identify IoT-driven business models and encourage...
This module introduces the overall understanding of business models for working with the other modules.
This module illustrates how to design a new digital BM based on the previous analyses and the outside...
The field of strategy has evolved substantially in the past twenty-five years. Firms have learned to analyse their competitive environment, define their position, develop competitive and corporate advantages and understand better how to sustain advantage in...
The Lean Start-Up method teaches you how to drive a start-up — how to steer, when to turn, and when to persevere — and grow a business with maximum acceleration.
Risk management is a valuable tool for better prioritising the company’s resources in addressing and mitigating security threats and vulnerabilities. The module introduces you how to conduct the essential elements of the risk management process.
This is an introduction to basic IoT security and best practices for securing your IoT devices.
A SWOT analysis evaluates the internal strengths and weaknesses and the external opportunities and threats in an organisation’s environment.
Empathy mapping helps you derive insights from your user research and foster a greater awareness of, and empathy for, target customers.
Mapping of the organisation’s assets serves as the foundation for managing the risks associated with each individual asset separately.
Designed with the nine levels of innovation, the Innovation Pyramid is the perfect tool for ideation and generating strategic growth options. A strong tool for creating a shared language and shared an understanding of innovation.
Today countless innovative business models are emerging. Entirely new industries are forming as old ones crumble. Starts-ups are challenging the old guard, some of whom are struggling feverishly to reinvent themselves. A business model describes the...
Conducting an impact analysis of assets is an integral part of risk management, serving as a means to minimise the impact of a cyberattack against the organisation.
Threat modelling is a systematic approach to identifying security threats and determining security requirements. This module provides an overview of the steps in the threat modelling process.
Value network mapping shows the set of connections between stakeholders that exchange value in a network and how their individual business models contribute to the shared value proposition of the network.
The Ecosystem Pie Model is a tool that enables the qualitative mapping, analysis and design of innovation ecosystems. The EPM has been developed foremost to facilitate awareness concerning the inevitable embeddedness of a future product/service in...
This module introduces the situational analysis tool for the four building blocks for cybersecurity and prepares your company’s team to carry out the situational analysis.
The Lean Canvas is an adaptation of the Business Model Canvas and it is specially designed for entrepreneurs. The canvas focuses on problems, solutions, key metrics and competitive advantages.
The heart of Value Proposition Design is about applying tools to the messy search for value propositions that customers want and then keeping them aligned with what customers want in post search.
The visual roadmap represents a high-level 360-degree plan for implementing a systematic IoT cybersecurity process. The collaborative work anchors IoT cybersecurity in the company by establishing a common language and a visualisation of the plan.
This tool targets changing the company's resources as well as managers’ and employees’ perceptions towards IoT cybersecurity through a collaborative learning process.
The distinction between open innovation and closed innovation is determined by the way in which innovation is created. While a closed innovation is developed in a self-contained company environment, open innovation incorporates external knowledge into innovation...
Customer expectations are changing. Customers expect brands to deliver service and value in any channel, irrespective of the channel or what kind of industry or product your brand represents. As customer expectations change, a new commercial...
This module introduces a tool that helps you agree on the next steps for developing cyber security in the company – and who should be responsible.
The analysis gives an overview of the context in which a new business model is to be implemented.
Model and test results based on research and surveys form more than 3,500 companies worldwide. Adapting to increasingly digital market environments and taking advantage of digital technologies to improve operations are important goals for nearly every...
A very simple tool to visualize business models, it helps founders to describe their vision and think through the interdependencies.
Your customers are the most important actors when it comes to ensuring the future survival of your business...
The business analysis offers you an overview of your organisation's digital maturity, opportunities and threats in the market.
The analysis’s in the report is based on self-assessments provided by senior industry executives. The Capgemini DigiWealth Maturity Assessment Model is a tool to help firms better gauge their level of digital maturity.
Rather than developing methods to address problems as they occur, the effort in this paper is to formulate methods based on an explicit theory. Methods developed in this way have more scientific rigor because underlying propositions...
Service design is about analysing customers' needs and from there outlining one or more possible services that meet...
This module contains a step-by-step guide to framing and describing an existing business model for overview, optimisation and...
One secret to maintaining a thriving business is recognising when it needs a fundamental change. Innosight practices a comprehensive approach to generating and launching this kind of game-changing innovation.
Whenever a business enterprise is established, it either explicitly or implicitly employs a particular business model that describes the design or architecture of the value creation, delivery and capture mechanisms it employs.
The process of developing your digital business model must ensure that what you develop matches your business strategies
This module validates the ability of your company to implement a new business model while considering all pros...
Demands are coming from all sides, creating a systemic imperative and an opportunity to advance sustainability goals. As companies in many industries grapple with costs, they are turning to their supply chains to reduce energy use...
The threat assessment tool allows for further evaluation of the identified threats.
This module presents test methods that can validate further development and qualify a new digital business model.
This module clarifies what it takes to successfully implement and run a new service and business model.